Nursery / 0 - 2 Years
Our goal is that you would feel confident in dropping your child off to a safe and loving environment at Corbett Kids, no matter how young. With a team equipped to care for, and love your little ones, our nursery is available at any time during the service. We aim to provide a time for you to enter into worship, while your child is cared for.

Pre-K / 2 - 4 Years
This class is filled with music, age-appropriate lessons and activities, and so much fun! Our leaders are ready to welcome your child into our safe environment where they will begin to build friendships and learn what it means to be loved by God.
Elementary / Kindergarten - Grade 3
Each Sunday at Corbett Kids this environment is hopping! With an environment set up to foster relationships with other kids, and with leaders, your child will experience worship, games, age-appropriate lessons, and small group activities. Our goal in our elementary classes is to engage your child with the love of Jesus as we learn how to live like Jesus.
Pre-Teen / Grade 4 - Grade 5
This is a really special group for us at Corbett Kids. We understand that these kids are beginning to explore their place not only in friendships, but their place in the Church, and God’s Kingdom. Our pre-teen class operates separately from our other classes, as they take in worship in our auditorium and then take part in an age-appropriate lesson in their classroom. Our leaders are equipped to walk with your child as they begin to move closer to age into Youth at Corbett!

Youth / Grade 6 - Grade 12
Every student is looking for a place to belong. If you are a parent of a teenager you understand that your child is looking for independence, freedom and identity. They are trying to figure out their place in this world. We are passionate about partnering with you and your family and helping your student understand that God has a plan and purpose for their life.
We have created a specific environment for grades 6-12 on Sunday mornings. So, we invite you to bring your teen out with you to church on Sunday. We meet together from 9:30am-11:30am. For more details on special events and all that's happening check out our facebook page.